Loss Control Reference Documents by Subject A-Z

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Reference Documents by Subject A-Z

The Loss Control division collects and maintains this reference library for the education of our member municipalities.

The documents below are .doc files unless noted.

Please read this notice before using any materials or information provided on this website: All reference documents are provided in an effort to aid individuals and public entities dealing with safety and health issues. Users of these reference documents are hereby notified that AMIC, MWCF and ALM bear no responsibility for the content of any of the information provided. Use of any reference documents contained herein is not a substitute for obtaining individualized legal advice. Users are advised that all materials must be updated and adapted to local needs and circumstances. Use of any reference document is at the sole risk of the user. AMIC, MWCF and ALM, its instrumentalities, and their staff disclaim any and all responsibility or liability which may arise or result from the use or implementation of all or any portion of the information or materials included on this website. In no event will AMIC, MWCF or ALM be liable for damages of any kind or nature, including, but no limited to general, consequential, direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary or special damages, arising from or in any way connected with any information provided herein.

15 Passenger Vans

15 Passenger Van Sample Policy 15PV-001 (PDF)

The purpose is to set standards for the safe operations of 15 passenger vans used for the transportation of citizens.

van, 15 passenger, transport, policy, 15PV-001, pdf.


15 Passenger Van Best Practices 15PV-002

Guidelines and suggested best safety practices for operating 15 passenger vans.

van, 15 passenger, transport, guideline, 15PV-002


Accident Investigation

Accident Investigation Form - Sample 1 AXIN-001 (PDF)

Sample forms to be used to document your in-house accident investigation including any corrective action to prevent reoccurrence.

accident, investigation, AXIN-001


Accident Investigation Form - Sample 2 AXIN-002

Sample forms to be used to document your in-house accident investigation including any corrective action to prevent reoccurrence.

accident, investigation, AXIN-002


Accident Investigation Form - Sample 3 AXIN-003 (PDF)

Sample forms to be used to document your in-house accident investigation including any corrective action to prevent reoccurrence.

accident, investigation, AXIN-003, pdf


Accident Investigation Guidelines AXIN-004

Detailed guidelines on why, who, when and how to perform and in-house documented accident investigations.

accident, investigation, guidelines, AXIN-004


Five Questions to Ask During Accident Investigation AXIN-005 (PDF)

The five key questions to always ask and that form the foundation of any good accident investigation program. The questions are where, when, who, what and why.

accident, investigation, questions, AXIN-005, pdf


Guide to Indentifying Causal Factors AXIN-006 (PDF)

A detailed step by step guide leading you through a long list of common factors that contribute to accidents and corresponding suggested corrective actions for each.

accident, investigation, casual, factors, AXIN-006, pdf


Sample Near Miss Accident Report AXIN-007

A sample form for reporting of a near miss event that could have caused an accident with the goal of avoiding a repeat.

accident, investigation, near miss, AXIN-007


Sample Vehicle or Equipment Accident Report AXIN-008

A sample accident reporting form specifically tailored to accidents involving vehicles or equipment damage.

accident, investigation, vehicle, equipment, AXIN-008


Sample Vehicle and Equipment Incident Review Program AXIN-009

This sample program outlines a comprehensive vehicle and equipment accident policy with specific reference to how to deal with at fault accidents. It helps implement accountability for at fault vehicle and equipment accidents with the ultimate goal being to improve overall operator safety.

vehicle, equipment, accident, review, accountability, driver, AXIN-009


Accident Review Board - City AXIN-010

Municipalities have an obligation to review all traffic accidents involving their vehicles and personnel. To accomplish this, it is recommended that Vehicle Accident Review Board be established to review every traffic accident involving a municipal vehicle to determine its cause, any driver negligence, violation of the law, or policy and make recommendations regarding any corrective action required. The main objective of this review board is to reduce injuries, lower overall exposure to liability, and prevent future traffic accidents.

vehicles, accident review board, investigation, AXIN-010


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

ADA 2000 City Government Common Problems ADAR-001 (PDF)

A short 9 page document from the ADA detailing the most common ADA issues facing local government entities. This document was published in 2000.

ADA, Disability, ADAR-001


ADA 2000 Small Town Guide ADAR-002 (PDF)

A comprehensive document from the ADA detailing the most common ADA issues facing small town entities. This document was published in 2000.

ADA, Disability, ADAR-002, pdf


ADA 2010 Standards ADAR-003 (PDF)

A copy of the full 2010 ADA Standards on Accessible Design.

ADA, disability, standards, ADAR-003, pdf


ADA 2012 Swimming Pool Access ADAR-004 (PDF)

An updated summary document from the ADA detailing the requirements for swimming pool access under the 2010 Regulations. This document was published in 2012.

ADA, disability, swimming, pool, ADAR-004, pdf


Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy - Sample 1 CLPH-001

Sample policy for cell phone use while operating a vehicle

cell, phone, texting, policy, CLPH-001


Cell Phone Policy - Sample 2 CLPH-002

Sample policy for cell phone use while operating a vehicle

cell, phone, texting, policy, CLPH-002


Cell Phone Policy - Sample 3 CLPH-003

Sample policy for cell phone use while operating a vehicle

cell, phone, texting, policy, CLPH-003


Cell Phone Policy - Sample 4 CLPH-004

Sample policy for cell phone use while operating a vehicle

cell, phone, texting, policy, CLPH-004



Chlorine Facts and Guidelines CHLR-001

This article highlights some important facts and safety guidelines that should be followed when using compressed chlorine gas.

chlorine, water, utilities, CHLR-001


Chlorine Safety CHLR-002

The use of chlorine helps save lives by preventing the spread of waterborne diseases. That being said, however, chlorine is a severe irritant so it’s critical to understand the dangers when working with chlorine at your facility. This bulletin is a quick reference guide outlining, storage and unloading tips, and leak response and security considerations.

Chlorine, BLTN-009, CHLR-002, pdf



Loss Control COVID-19 Bulletin COVD-001 (PDF)

COVID-19, Pandemic, Public Works, Fire, Police, COVD-001

COVID-19 and our new way of thinking about hygiene in the work place.


COVID-19 SOP Powerpoint COVD-002 (PPTX)

Coronavirus, Pandemic, COVID-19, Epidemic, Protection, COVD-002

This PowerPoint should be used in conjunction with the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Personnel Protection Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The training will ensure your officers better understand the dangers of a pandemic and how to better protect themselves. Additionally, they will have a good understanding of the SOP.


Covid 19 SOP Written Test COVD-003

Written exam, Virus, Personal Protective Equipment, PPE, Social Distancing, Exposed, COVD-003

This written test was developed to accompany the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Safety Protocol PowerPoint. The 20-question multiple choice/True-False exam was taken directly from the slides on the PowerPoint. If you elect to use the test it will reinforce the key points on the PowerPoint and SOP.


Prattville Patient Transport Guide Sample COVD-005 (PDF)

COVID-19, Pandemic, Fire, EMS, Ambulance, Patient Transport, COVD-005

Example of Prattville Fire Department's help with understanding the flow chart put out by ADPH on March 16, 2020 


Transport of COVID-19 Patient Flowchart COVD-006 (PDF)

COVID-19, Pandemic, Fire, EMS, Patient Transport, Flow Chart, COVD-006

ADPH EMS Transport of Covid-19 Patients flow chart.


Cleaning EMS Vehicles_COVID-19 COVD-007 (PDF)

COVID-19, Pandemic, Fire , EMS, Ambulance Cleaning, COVD-007

Cleaning EMS Transport Vehicles after Transporting a Patient with Confirmed COVID-19


Prattville FD Station Visitor Policy Sample COVD-008 (PDF)

COVID-19, Pandemic, Fire Department, Visitors, Public Facilities, COVD-008

An example of how Prattville Fire Department is handling visitors at the station.


COVID-19 PowerPoint Training Certificate COVD-009

This Training Certificate should be used to record Certified Officers APOSTC required CEU’s. For certified police officers to obtain APOSTC CEU’s the PowerPoint training must be in a classroom setting with a designated instructor. A copy of the Certificate of Training signed by the officer and instructor should be kept in departmental training files.

COVD-009, Coronavirus, Virus, COVID, Protection, Service, Certificate


A Cleveland Clinic Guide for First Responders COVD-010

RETURN TO WORK AMID COVID-19: A Cleveland Clinic Guide for First Responders

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a number of new challenges. While managers andThe COVID-19 pandemic has created a number of new challenges. While managers andemployees may feel a sense of urgency to get their business back to normal, there are newguidelines and revised practices that should be followed to allow for a safe, stable return.These resources will help you through the key steps of operating your business in thewake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID, Corona, First Responder, Work, COVD-010


Computer Internet Policies

Sample Computer Policy CPTR-001

A sample policy regarding the use of municipal owned computers computer, email, e-mail, social media, internet, CPTR-001


Sample Computer, Internet and Network Usage Policy CPTR-002

A sample policy regarding the uses of the internet and other network resources.

computer, email, e-mail, social media, internet, CPTR-002


Social Media Policies CPTR-003 (PDF)

Almost every public employee has access to the world, and all their “friends”, through the use of PCs, tablets, and SmartPhones. This article provides suggestions about the options available to cities and towns when it comes to developing social media policies.

social, media, internet, CPTR-003


Internet Policy CPTR-004

A Sample policy for the use of the Internet, Social Media, Computers, and Email.

Internet, Social Media, Computers, Email, CPTR-004


Confined Spaces

Safety in Confined Spaces CFSP-002

Safety Meeting outline to educate employees as to the characteristics of a confined space, the hazards of working in a confined space and protection procedures to be used in a confined space

confined, space, meeting, CFSP-002


Contractors and Subcontractors

Contractor Liability Insurance Requirements CNSB-001

This article summaries the most important steps you can take to reduce your liability exposure when hiring a contractor with regards to insurance requirements. Whether it be a long term contract where you have outsourced a service, or a very short term project or an emergency contractor to fix a problem. It includes sample wording for an indemnification and hold harmless agreement for use with contractors.

contract, contractor, subcontractor, hiring, hold harmless, CNSB-001


Private Probation Services Bulletin CNSB-002 (PDF)

This resource addresses several concerns that arise when municipal courts contract with private probation services. To reduce exposure to claims and lawsuits municipal courts should remain in control of probation services and have provisions in place to protect the municipality. This resource outlines these provisions and gives specific language that should be in the contract between the municipality and the private probation service provider.

Private Probation Services, Contracts, Municipal Court, CNSB-002, BLTN-019, pdf


Risk Transfer and Contract Strategies CNSB-003 (PDF)

Cities and Towns rely on key relationships with contractors, subcontractors, vendors and consumers to conduct business nearly every day. In these relationships, agreements are made, and written contracts are negotiated. This bulletin offers tips and strategies to better protect your organization when entering into such agreements.

Additional Insured, Contracts, Hold-harmless Agreements, Vendors, Indemnification, Risk Transfer, CNSB-003.


Counseling Habitual Claimants

Habitual Claimants Guidelines HABC-001

We recommend that all employees that file more than two workers’ compensation claims within a twelve month period should be counseled and this document gives some guidelines on how to conduct these sessions.

counsel, repeat, claimant, habitual, HABC-001


Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary Procedures - Sample 1 DISP-001

Progressive discipline is a process in which disciplinary action is taken in degrees of increasing severity. The action taken will depend on the degree and the circumstances of the violation.

progressive, discipline, policy, DISP-001


Disciplinary Procedures - Sample 2 DISP-002

Progressive discipline is a process in which disciplinary action is taken in degrees of increasing severity. The action taken will depend on the degree and the circumstances of the violation.

progressive, discipline, policy, DISP-002


Emergency Vehicles

Best Practices for Emergency Vehicles EMVE-001

A set of best practices guidelines regarding driver selection, driver training, vehicle inspection and laws pertaining to the operation of fire department emergency vehicles.

fire, vehicle, emergency, EMVE-001


Sample Emergency Vehicle Operations Policy EMVE-002

A detailed sample policy pertaining to the requirements and responsibilities for operating a fire department emergency vehicle.

fire, vehicle, emergency, EMVE-002


First Responder Benefit Programs

Public Safety Officer's Benefits Program FRBP-001

A unique effort by the U.S. Department of Justice; local, state, federal, and tribal public safety agencies; and national organizations, the Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program provides death benefits to the survivors of law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders whose death (or catastrophic injury) was the direct and proximate result of an injury sustained in the line of duty. 

FRBP-001, death, disability, benefits, PSOB


AL Board of Adjustments First Responder Death Benefits FRBP-002

Section 36-30-2, Alabama Code, provides for a one-time $100,000 death benefit to the beneficiaries or dependents of peace officers, firefighters (including certain volunteer firefighters) and certain rescue squad members who (1) are killed while engaged in the performance of their duties, (2) die as a result of injuries received while engaged in the performance of their duties, or (3) die as a direct and proximate result of a heart attack or stroke. This program also provides for a one-time $100,000 disability benefit to the beneficiaries or dependents of certain volunteer firefighters who have become totally disabled as a result of an injury received while engaged in the performance of his or her fire-fighting duties and the disability is likely to continue for more than 12 months from the date the injury is incurred.

FRBP-002, Death, Disability, Benefits, Alabama


Alabama First Responder Poster 2019 FRBP-003

It’s a well-known fact that certain types of cancer are a health risk for firefighters, and with a cancer diagnosis comes major costs. Thanks to the new law, ACT 2019-361, Firefighters throughout the State of Alabama are now entitled to an enhanced cancer and disability coverage program provided by their municipality, county, public entity, or fire district, for both Career Paid and Volunteer Firefighters. This program provides multiple options for both Career and Volunteer Firefighters. The Alabama First Responders Benefits Program provides a way to help protect our Firefighters and their families with this program.

FRBP-003, Cancer, Fire, Fire FIghter, Benefits, Insurance


Health and Wellness

First Aid Kits HLTH-001 (PDF)

First Aid kits can come in all shapes and sizes but it is best to ensure that your kit is tailored to your specific needs. This checklist offers an inventory of supplies that are essential to any basic first aid kit.

first aid, health, wellness, injury, medical, BLTN-026, HLTH-001


Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B Declination Statement HEPB-001

This declination of hepatitis B vaccination statement must be signed by an employee who chooses not to accept the vaccine following appropriate training regarding hepatitis B, hepatitis B vaccination, the efficacy, safety, method of administration, and benefits of vaccination, and that the vaccine and vaccination are provided free of charge to the employee.

vaccine, hep b, hepatitis, decline, HEPB-001


Hepatitis B Vaccine HEPB-002 (PDF)

This flyer from the CDC gives information regarding the Hepatitis B vaccine.

vaccine, hep b, hepatitis, cdc, HEPB-002, pdf


Holiday Checklist

Holiday Checklist HDAY-001

Christmas lights and decorations, inside and out, are a beautiful part of the holiday season. But as with all electrical devices, you need to take special precautions. Before you deck the halls, run through this checklist to keep your holidays merry and bright.

holiday, Christmas, decoration, HDAY-001, pdf


Job Descriptions and Physicals

Job Descriptions JDPH-001 (PDF)

A short article about the importance and usefulness of accurate and detailed job descriptions as they relate to employment liability exposures.

job, description, JDPH-001, pdf


Light Duty

Light Duty Return to Work LDTY-001

Guidelines on how to establish a program to offer leaves of absence when appropriate to employees who are no longer medically able to continue the essential duties of their regular classified position and to encourage their return to work consistent with their medical recovery and physician’s advice.

RTW, guideline, transitional, light duty, LDTY-001


Loss Control Bulletins

Christmas Lights BLTN-001 (PDF)

Article discussing which types of equipment are acceptable to use to raise an employee to perform work at height such as hanging Christmas decorations. Unfortunately often forklifts and the front buckets of backhoes are used creating a serious risk of injury.

Christmas, lights, hanging, BLTN-001, pdf


Emergency Vehicle Alert BLTN-002 (PDF)

Article discussing the relevant Alabama laws with regard to the operation of emergency vehicles including the use of emergency lighting.

emergency, vehicle, lighting, police, fire, BLTN-002, pdf, EMVE


Emerging Health Issues BLTN-003 (PDF)

Article discussing preventative measures to stop flu and MRSA outbreaks in the workplace.

flu, MRSA, health, BLTN-003, pdf


Firefighter SCBA Equipment Alert BLTN-004 (PDF)

Article discussing the importance of complying with NFPA air analysis requirements for firefighter SCBA tanks.

SCBA, analysis, firefighter, air, NFPA, BLTN-004, pdf


Gas Pilot Lights BLTN-005 (PDF)

Article discussing the liability exposure of allowing uncertified employees to enter homes and business to light gas pilot lights.

gas, pilot, light, BLTN-005, pdf


New Firearms Law - Municipal Reqs. BLTN-006 (PDF)

Article discussing the specific Alabama laws, including suggested signage, regarding restricting weapons being bought into municipal buildings.

law, weapon, gun, BLTN-006, pdf


Playground Safety BLTN-007 (PDF)

Article discussing the numerous types of hazards present at playgrounds and the measures you can that to reduce those risks. Topics include bleachers, playground equipment, electrical issues, concession and restrooms, and suggested signage for ballparks.

bleacher, playground, concession, restroom, BLTN-007, pdf


Pool Testing Safety Alert BLTN-008 (PDF)

Article discussing the importance of correctly testing and documenting the testing of the cleanliness of municipal swimming pools.

pool, water, testing, swimming, BLTN-008, pdf, RCSP-003


Chlorine Safety BLTN-009 (PDF)

The use of chlorine helps save lives by preventing the spread of waterborne diseases. That being said, however, chlorine is a severe irritant so it’s critical to understand the dangers when working with chlorine at your facility. This bulletin is a quick reference guide outlining, storage and unloading tips, and leak response and security considerations.

Chlorine, BLTN-009, CHLR-002, pdf


Fire Extinguisher Bulletin BLTN-010 (PDF)

Having the right fire extinguisher and knowing how to use it safely can make a huge difference between putting out a small fire and suffering a major loss. If the correct fire extinguisher is properly used, a small fire can be contained and extinguished quickly – before people are injured or property is damaged. This bulletin is a quick reference guide on fire extinguisher inspection requirements and provides a simple acronym to help you remember how to use a fire extinguisher properly.

extinguisher, inspection, fire, BLTN-010, pdf


Heat Related Illness BLTN-011 (PDF)

Alabama’s intense summer weather puts many of our municipal employees at risk of injury or illness. This bulletin is a quick reference guide to the signs and symptoms, first aid and prevention for everything from heat rash and heat cramps, up to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

heat, summer, exhaustion, stroke, rash, cramps, BLTN-011, pdf


Electrical Safety Tips BLTN-012 (PDF)

Many of us are so accustomed to flipping a switch or plugging in equipment that we seldom consider the dangers associated with using electrical outlets. This bulletin is a quick reference guide to several important safety tips to follow at home or in the workplace when working around electricity.

electricity, electrical, outlets, extension cords, BLTN-012, pdf


Ladder Safety Tips BLTN-013 (PDF)

Ladders can be extremely dangerous if not used correctly. This bulletin is a quick reference guide to several important safety tips to follow whenever you must use a ladder.

ladder, BLTN-013, pdf


Playground Safety Tips BLTN-014 (PDF)

Municipal playgrounds are popular family destinations within many cities and towns; therefore, safeguarding and maintaining the equipment is vital. This bulletin is a quick reference guide to some essential steps that should be taken when operating a public playground.

playground, BLTN-014, RCPG-002, pdf


Bucket Truck Safety BLTN-015 (PDF)

Bucket trucks are used for a variety of use in our municipalities today. But working from height means extra special attention must be paid to maintenance and employee training and safety equipment. This bulletin is a quick reference guide to some daily, worksite and annual inspections that should be performed on bucket trucks; as well as some basic safety tips for employees involved in bucket truck operations.

bucket truck, inspection, fall, protection, heights, BLTN-015, pdf


Defensive Flagging BLTN-016 (PDF)

Flagging and flagger safety in work zones can be a complex, but essential, process. This bulletin is a quick reference guide to qualifications for flaggers, flagger clothing, how to set up flagger stations, flagger procedures and methods of signaling.

proper flagging, flagger, work zone, MUTCD, BLTN-016, pdf


Hand Tool Safety BLTN-017 (PDF)

Often, hand tools such as hammers, wrenches, chisels, pliers and screwdrivers are underrated as sources of potential danger. Many hand tools may look harmless, but they are the cause of numerous injuries. This bulletin is a quick reference guide to common injuries caused by the use of hand tools and some simple safety procedures to follow to avoid injury.

tool, BLTN-017, pdf


Hearing Safety BLTN-018 (PDF)

Noise is dangerous because the damage is being done without necessarily being accompanied with any pain. People differ in their sensitivity to noise but as a general rule, noise can be damaging to your hearing if you have to shout over it to make yourself heard. This bulletin is a quick reference guide to the different commonly encountered noise levels and the different types of hearing protection available.

hearing, noise, decibel, BLTN-018, pdf


Private Probation Service Bulletin BLTN-019 (PDF)

This resource addresses several concerns that arise when municipal courts contract with private probation services. To reduce exposure to claims and lawsuits municipal courts should remain in control of probation services and have provisions in place to protect the municipality. This resource outlines these provisions and gives specific language that should be in the contract between the municipality and the private probation service provider.

Private Probation Services, Contracts, Municipal Court, CNSB-002, BLTN-019, pdf


Back Safety BLTN-020 (PDF)

Back injuries can be very costly for your organization but more importantly these injuries can be disabling for your employees. This bulletin discusses the costs of back injuries as well as important safety tips to follow at home or in the workplace to reduce the possibilities of a back injury.

Lifting, back safety, injury prevention, BLTN-020


Power Line Safety BLTN-021 (PDF)

Municipal employees work with bucket trucks, dump trucks, excavators, backhoes, etc., and many times we are working too close to overhead or underground power lines.This bulletin is a quick reference guide to several important safety tips to follow when working around power lines.

Electricity, power lines, bucket trucks, utilities, heavy equipment, BLTN-021


String Trimmer Safety BLTN-022 (PDF)

String trimmers are one of the most widely used power tools at home and in the workplace. This bulletin discusses the proper use of string trimmers, required PPE, and common hazards when using this piece of equipment.

outdoor equipment, power tools, weed eater, string trimmer, brush cutter, BLTN-022


Sexual Harassment BLTN-023 (PDF)

Sexual harassment is a form or discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This bulletin offers basic information about sexual harassment and tips on preventing this type of harassment in the workplace.

Sexual harassment, discrimination, employee practice, liability, hostile work environment, BLTN-023, SXHA-003


10 Steps to an Effective Motor Vehicle Safety Program BLTN-024 (PDF)

A guide to a more effective motor vehicle safety program. 10 steps to achieve the most successful program for your organization.

Auto, Fleet, Motor Vehicle, Driver Training, Program, BLTN-024, VHIN-006


Securing Municipal Employees and Officials BLTN-025 (PDF)

Every organization must plan for and address workplace violence. We should have a security plan in place and train regularly. This Security Enhancement checklist addresses workplace violence in the council chambers as well as offers tips to enhance overall protection for municipal employees and officials.

Security, workplace, violence, active shooter, threat, plan, WKPL-001, BLTN-025


First Aid Kits BLTN-026 (PDF)

First Aid kits can come in all shapes and sizes but it is best to ensure that your kit is tailored to your specific needs. This checklist offers an inventory of supplies that are essential to any basic first aid kit.

first aid, health, wellness, injury, medical, BLTN-026, HLTH-001


DUI Clearinghouse BLTN-027 (PDF)

On January 4, 2017 the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) enacted the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Rule with a required compliance date of January 6, 2020. (49 CFR 382.701-727). The FMCSA Commercial Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse is a secure online database that will give employers, the FMCSA, state driver licensing agencies and state law enforcement personnel real-time information about commercial driver’s license (CDL) and commercial learner’s permit (CLP) holders’ drug and alcohol program violations. There are no exemptions for municipal government employers.

BLTN-027, DOT, Drug, Alcohol, Clearinghouse, FMCSA, CDL, Driver, Driving, Query, Queries, Federal


Motor Vehicle Record Checks

Driver License Point System MVRC-001

The current information on the driver license points system from the Alabama Department of Public Safety.

MVR, License, points, driving, MVRC-001


Perform Motor Vehicle Record Checks MVRC-002

Guidelines on how to obtain and evaluate the MVRs of the drivers of your municipal vehicles.

MVR, vehicle, driving, guideline, MVRC-002


Sample MVR Policy MVRC-003

Guidelines on how to obtain and evaluate the MVRs of the drivers of your municipal vehicles.

MVR, driving, policy, MVRC-003


MVR Policy Sample 2 MVRC-004

Guidelines on how to obtain and evaluate the MVRs of the drivers of your municipal vehicles.

MVR, driving, policy, MVRC-004


New Hire Safety Orientation

New Employee Safety Orientation NHSO-001 (PDF)

A sample form used to document the new hire safety orientation performed for a new employee or an employee transferring to another department.

orientation, hire, NHSO-001, pdf


Non-Employees in Municipal Vehicles

Guest Passenger in Municipal Vehicle NEMV-001

An article outlining the coverage issues when non-employees are allowed to ride in municipal vehicles.

passenger, vehicle, NEMV-001


Non-Employees Riding Exposure Explained NEMV-002

This best practices article explains the added exposures municipalities take when they allow non-employees to ride in municipal vehicles. It uses several examples to try and explain the difference between and acceptable and unacceptable exposure from a risk management standpoint.

vehicle, riding, passenger, NEMV-002


Sample Vehicle Use Policy Form NEMV-003

This sample form can be used to reinforce a policy where municipal vehicles can only be used for municipal business and may not be used for personal use or for transporting non-employees unless specifically required in a job description.

vehicle, use, policy, riding, passenger, NEMV-003


Police Standard Operating Procedure

Recommended SOP Listing PSOP-000

It is recommended that you complete annual reviews of your department’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) manual and revised as needed. All procedures should be current and updated with today’s “Best Practices” on law enforcement. While not all inclusive, the attached listing of recommended policies is provided for your consideration. Many of these recommended policies can be downloaded at www.losscontrol.org, under Reference Documents, by keyword search PSOP. In addition, the AMIC/MWCF Loss Control Division may have additional sample SOPs and other reference documents available for your consideration upon request.

Listing, Recommended, Policy, Standard Operating Procedure, PSOP-000


Terry Stops and Demanding Identification PSOP-001

Officers routinely contact and interact with members of the public in a wide variety of circumstances. Subsequently, officers need effective and lawful guidelines on when and for what the legal basis is under the US Supreme Court and the Code of Alabama for demanding identification from individuals as the result of a “Terry Stop” or investigative detention. It is recommended that agencies that have not addressed this topic adopt a written policy and provide training to their officers on these important guidelines.

Terry, Stop, Identification, ID, PSOP-001


Foot Pursuits PSOP-002

It is recommended that agencies adopt a policy that provides written procedures regarding foot pursuits, including considerations for initiation and continuation, responsibilities of involved officers, supervisors, and communications personnel, and termination. These guidelines are intended to establish a balance between protecting public safety and officers during foot pursuits and law enforcement’s duty to enforce the law and apprehend suspects.

Police, pursuit, foot, chase, PSOP-002, Standard Operating Procedure


Take-Home Vehicles PSOP-003

A Take-Home Vehicle program which assigns law enforcement vehicles to officers to be used to commute to and from work benefits officers by providing them with a reliable and convenient form of transportation. The municipality, the public, and the police department benefit by enhancing public safety through increased presence and visibility in the community, enhancing the rapid response of off-duty officers to designated emergencies, and enhancing the ability of officers subject to frequent callback to respond more effectively. Additional benefits include enhancing the level of vehicle performance and appearance through a scheduled preventive maintenance program, reducing vehicle mileage per vehicle and per‐mile maintenance costs while increasing the life expectancy of the vehicle, and providing additional incentives to enhance recruiting opportunities. It is recommended that departments include a written policy on the use of take-home vehicles by employees to prevent misuse, increased liability, or other related issues. These procedures should include any pre-requisites for assignment of a take-home vehicle, limitations on usage and occupants, and other conditions or responsibilities of the assigned employee.

PSOP-003, Vehicle, Take-Home, Police


Use of Force PSOP-004

Use of force has evolved over the years in response to better training, equipment and court rulings. This up-to-date policy is current with US Supreme Court rulings, equipment and new technology available to law enforcement agencies. The use of force exposes both the individual officer and department to civil and in some cases criminal liability. Police chiefs must ensure their agencies maintain current legally defensible policy on the use of force. Additionally, every officer must train annually on the policy.

Use, Police, Force, Control, Weapon, Standard Operating Procedure, SOP, PSOP-004


Hiring Practices for Law Enforcement PSOP-005

This SAMPLE Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) covers all important pre-employment selection procedures for the hiring of police officers and administrative/support personnel. The SOP includes APOSTC requirements and Alabama State laws and other recommended practices relating to the employment of law enforcement personnel. Included in the SOP are Checklists for APOSTC certified officer applicants, Non-APOSTC recruit applicants, and administrative/support non-sworn applicants, along with a Waiver/Release of Information.

Hiring, Applicants, Pre-employment, PSOP-005, Procedure, Law Enforcement, SOP


Reserve Officer Information Packet PSOP-006

The Reserve Officer Information Packet provides municipalities and their police departments with guidance for implementing a Reserve Law Enforcement Officer Program, or updating a current program. Included in the packet is an article from the Alabama League of Municipalities Selected Readings and a Sample Ordinance, the CODE of Alabama Title 11-43-210, a listing of related Loss Control Recommendations, a Sample Policy, and a Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement.

Reserve, Officer, PSOP-006


Vehicle Pursuits PSOP-007

Vehicle pursuits are one of the most dangerous and libelous actions a police officer can be involved in. It is recommended that agencies adopt a written policy that addresses this critical area, to include widely recognized “restrictive” guidelines, and annual training for all officers. Policy considerations should include initiation and continuation of a pursuit, responsibilities of officers, pursuit tactics, reporting, and administrative review.

Vehicle, Pursuit, Policy, PSOP-007


Body Worn Cameras PSOP-008

Body-worn cameras are an effective law enforcement tool that can reduce violent confrontations and complaints against officers. Body-worn cameras provide additional documentation of police-public encounters and may be an important tool for collecting evidence and maintaining public trust. It is recommended that agencies adopt a written policy that addresses the use of body cameras that includes camera activation, along with guidelines for the report, review, or release of any recordings. Additionally, this policy should include “mandatory” usage requiring officers to document occurrences where they are not used.

PSOP-008, Body, Camera, Procedure


Body Worn and Weapon Mounted Cameras PSOP-009

Body-worn and Weapon-mounted cameras are effective law enforcement tools that can reduce violent confrontations and complaints against officers. Body-worn cameras provide additional documentation of police-public encounters and may be an important tool for collecting evidence and maintaining public trust. Weapon-mounted cameras provide documentation of officer-involved-shootings or other police-public encounters in which an officer’s duty weapon is drawn, aimed, and discharged. It is recommended that agencies adopt a written policy that addresses the use of body-worn and weapon-mounted cameras that includes camera activation, along with guidelines for the report, review, or release of any recordings.

PSOP-009, Body, Camera, Weapon, Procedure


Holding Cells PSOP-010

While some police departments do not operate a municipal jail, they may maintain and operate a holding cell(s) for the temporary detention or confinement of arrestees or prisoners awaiting booking, attendance in court, pending transfer to the county jail, or release on bond. The term holding cell may include a designated holding bench or other stationary seating area in which arrestees or prisoners may be handcuffed or otherwise secured. It is recommended that agencies adopt a written policy that establishes guidelines for the use of holding cells including monitoring and observation; seriously ill, injured or suicidal persons; and booking procedures.

PSOP-010, Cells, SOP, Jail, Cell, Holding


Emergency/Non-Emergency Vehicle Response PSOP-011

Police officers respond to both emergency and non-emergency calls for service on a daily basis. Officers are required to respond to these calls with due regard for safety to eliminate the risk of death or injury which may result from reckless and/or negligent behavior. As these responses continue to be one of most dangerous and libelous actions a police officer can become involved, it is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy that establishes guidelines concerning the safe and proper operation of police vehicles specifically in response to emergency and non-emergency calls.

PSOP-011, Emergency, Vehicle, Response


Domestic Violence PSOP-012

NOTE: There are 2 Victim Assistance Cards (English and Spanish) that are important additions to this SOP. They are listed with PSOP-012 on the Reference Documents pages.

They are also linked
HERE (English) and HERE (Spanish)

Domestic violence is a serious, yet preventable crime against individuals and our community. A significant characteristic of domestic violence is the repetition and escalation of the violent acts. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy which establishes guidelines for police officers responding to domestic violence complaints, including the protection of victims, officer safety, and the effective management of domestic violence calls. PSOP-012, PSOP-012A (English), PSOP-012B (Spanish), Violence, Domestic, Procedure, Escalation, Policy


----- DV Victim Assistance Card (English) PSOP-012A

NOTE: This is one of two Assistance Cards to augment the SOP found under PSOP-012

The other Victim Assistance Card (Spanish) can be found HERE

PSOP-012, Violence, Domestic, Procedure, Escalation, Policy, PSOP-012A (English), PSOP-012B (Spanish)


----- DV Victim Assistance Card (Spanish) PSOP-012B

NOTE: This is one of two Assistance Cards to augment the SOP found under PSOP-012

The other Victim Assistance Card (English) can be found HERE

PSOP-012, Violence, Domestic, Procedure, Escalation, Policy, PSOP-012A (English), PSOP-012B (Spanish)


Communicable Disease PSOP-013

The safe performance of law enforcement operations can be threatened by life-endangering communicable diseases. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy to advise department personnel of routine precautionary measures to prevent or limit exposure to communicable diseases and establish guidelines to be followed in the event of an exposure to a communicable disease.

Police, Standard, Procedure, PSOP-013, Disease, Communicable


Peer Support (ALLEAPS) PSOP-014

Law enforcement duties often expose employees to both job-related stress and work-related traumatic events, e.g., officer involved shooting. These stressful situations may cause strong emotional reactions or distress or have the potential to interfere with the ability to function optimally in an employee’s personal or professional life. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy that explains the availability of peer support through the Alabama Law Enforcement Alliance for Peer Support (ALLEAPS).

Peer Support, ALLEAPS, PSOP-014


Naloxone Usage PSOP-015

Opioid overdoses have multiplied in number and frequency, and officers are increasingly serving as first responders in these situations. In addition, law enforcement officers’ risk self-exposure to opioids (e.g., fentanyl) in the performance of their day-to-day duties. The immediate availability and usage of this antidote has proven to save lives and should be included as a part of standard equipment for all officers and/or vehicles. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy on the use of naloxone in response to an opioid overdose. This policy should provide for officers to be trained as required in the CODE of Alabama §20-2-282 and issued NARCAN Nasal Spray kits or similar opioid antagonist agents to carry on their person or in their assigned vehicle. 

Naloxone, Narcan, Opioid, PSOP-015


----- Fentanyl Safety Recommendations PSOP-015A

NOTE: This document provides supplemental information to the SOP found under PSOP-015, Naloxone Usage.

PSOP-015, Fentanyl, Naloxone, Narcan, Opioid Procedure, Policy


Speech and Use of Social Media PSOP-016

The growing popularity of the social media creates a new set of opportunities, challenges, and risks for any police department. Social media can occur in a variety of formats including chat rooms, weblogs, social blogs, wikis, micro blogging, podcasts, pictures, and video. Examples of social media include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter. While employees have the right to free speech, expression, and to use social media channels, law enforcement personnel are held to a higher standard than the general public regarding standards of conduct and ethics. If not restricted by policy, this media can cause great embarrassment for your agency. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy to provide guidelines for the regulation and balancing of employee speech and use of social media channels with the legitimate needs and objectives of the department.

Speech, Social Media, PSOP-016


Firing Range Operations PSOP-017

Activities at a firing range can create various risks for shooters or observers, including, but not limited to, injury or death. In order to provide for the safe operation and use of any firing range it is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy that addresses firing range operations. Specific operational rules and safety precautions should be included applicable to all individuals present and/or participating in any training conducted by or for your department, including department personnel, other law enforcement agency’s personnel, or members of the general public.

PSOP-017, Firing, Range, Firearms, Operations


Off Duty Employment Packet PSOP-018

The Off-Duty Employment Information Packet provides municipalities and their police departments with guidance for authorizing off-duty employment including the use of public equipment or property. Included in the packet is an article from the Alabama League of Municipalities Selected Readings and a Sample Resolution/Policy, the CODE of Alabama §36-25-5(c) and §6-5-338(c), a listing of related Loss Control Recommendations, a Sample Policy, Request and Authorization Form, and Notice of Employer Liability. 

Off-Duty, Employment, PSOP-018


Mobile Video Recorder PSOP-019

Mobile Video or In-Car cameras are an effective law enforcement tool that can reduce violent confrontations and complaints against officers. Mobile Video cameras provide additional documentation of police-public encounters and may be an important tool for collecting evidence and maintaining public trust. It is recommended that agencies adopt a written policy that addresses the use of mobile video cameras that includes camera activation, along with guidelines for the report, review, or release of any recordings. Additionally, this policy should include “mandatory” usage requiring officers to document occurrences where they are not used.

PSOP-019, In-Car, Mobile Video, Camera, Procedure


Active Shooter Response-Schools PSOP-020

From 1970 until the end of 2022 there have been 2,052 school shooting incidents in America leaving 661 people dead. In 1970 20 shooting incidents were recorded. By the end of 2022, a record of over 250 shooting incidents were recorded. These shootings can happen anywhere at any time. Police departments must be properly trained, equipped and have up to date written policies to address this problem. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy which establishes guidelines for police officers responding to Active Shooting in Schools.Active Shooter Response Involving Schools.

SCHL-001, PSOP-020, Active Shooter, School, Protocol, Police, Response, Hot Zone, Policy


Firearms Regulation PSOP-021

Law Enforcement agencies must implement strict control over all firearms, including ammunition, which it allows officers to carry and use in the performance of their duties. The use of firearms shall be consistent with the department's USE OF FORCE Policy, and only used to accomplish lawful objectives. This SAMPLE SOP establishes guidelines regarding types and specifications of firearms, including ammunition, authorized for use; training and qualification procedures; care and inspection of all firearms; and safety and security procedures. 

PSOP-021, Firearm, Weapon


Duty to Intervene and Report PSOP-022

Department personnel have an affirmative duty to intervene and report to appropriate supervisory authority if they observe or become aware of any department personnel, or a member of another law enforcement agency, engaged in an unreasonable or excessive use of force, or involved in conduct that is unethical, or clearly violates the law or department policy. This policy should clearly state that officers have a duty to intervene to prevent or stop the use of unjustified or excessive force by another law enforcement officer or civilian employee when it is safe and reasonable to do so. This policy should further state that officers shall not encourage or conceal these incidents and shall report these incidents to a supervisor as soon as practical. This SAMPLE SOP establishes general guidelines regarding intervention and reporting of incidents including use of unreasonable or excessive use of force, along with officer and supervisor responsibilities.

 Intervene, Report, Duty, PSOP-022 


Canine Unit PSOP-023

Police canines can be beneficial to a department’s daily operations in the areas of accelerant, explosive or narcotics detection, tracking, or other areas. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy on the use of police canines including ownership, care, training and certification, handler responsibilities; uses and deployment, documentation of use; and other specific procedures as needed.

 Canine, K-9, PSOP-023 


Property; Lost, Stolen, Confiscated PSOP-024

Property taken into custody must be properly stored and secured for court or other lawful purposes, until returned to its lawful owner, or until disposed of according to applicable laws, ordinances, or department policies. It is recommended that department’s establish written procedures and guidelines to receive or otherwise take possession of any lost, stolen, confiscated, contraband, or other property for safekeeping until returned or properly disposed of.

Property, Lost, Stolen, Confiscated, PSOP-024


Restraint Chair PSOP-025

Departments may consider adding a prisoner restraint chair to the equipment for use in their jail or holding facilities. The use of a restraint chair should be clearly outlined as a use of force for the specific purposes of protecting the inmate from escape, harm to themselves or others, prevent physical damage to the facility, or when other restraint methods have been ineffective. This type of equipment must be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s warnings and the restrained subject properly monitored during usage. If utilized, proper training and a well written policy on the use of the restraint chair is required to avoid liability exposures and to ensure that the chair is used safely and properly.

Restraint, Chair, Jail, PSOP-025


School Resource Officer PSOP-026

Departments with school campuses within their jurisdiction may provide School Resource Officers (SROs) to provide additional safety and security to students, faculty, and the general public. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy that addresses school resource officers (SROs). These procedures should include the scope of the officer’s authority and responsibilities, duties to be performed, activities they can participate in, and any restrictions, along with selection and training requirements.

School, Resource, SRO, PSOP-026


Simunition Safety PSOP-027

In an effort to provide reality/scenario-based training many departments utilize simunitions or similar equipment in their use of force or related training. It is recommended that a department’s procedures manual include written policy that applies to all individuals present and/or participating in any training conducted by or for the department, including department personnel, other law enforcement agency’s personnel, or others. These procedures should include general firearms safety, development of a safety plan, scenarios and role-play considerations, mishap procedures, and other guidelines as needed.

Simunition, Training, Firearms, PSOP-027


Road Spike Sysytems PSOP-028

It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy that addresses the use of road spike systems or tire deflation devices (spike strips, stopsticks, etc.). This procedure should include guidelines on deployment, safety precautions, reporting, and other appropriate information. Officers that have not been trained with these devices should not be authorized to deploy or otherwise utilize them.

Spike, Stop Sticks, Tire, Road, PSOP-028


Fitness for Duty PSOP-029

All officers are expected to be physically, emotionally, and mentally fit for duty, and able to conduct their law enforcement duties and responsibilities in a safe, productive, and effective manner. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy that provides, under limited circumstances, for the department to require a professional evaluation of an employee’s physical and/or mental capabilities to determine their fitness for duty. This procedure should include guidelines on employee responsibilities, supervisor responsibilities, and guidelines for duty status and fitness-for-duty evaluations. NOTE: Prior to implementation of this policy, departments should consult with their legal counsel and human resource personnel, to determine its applicability and feasibility. Legal counsel with experience in employment law is recommended to help determine best practices for your organization.

Fitness, Fit, Duty, PSOP-029


Off-Duty Conduct - Arrest PSOP-030

Off-duty officers may confront criminal activity to which they should take or must decide whether to take enforcement action including arrest. However, off-duty officers may not be equipped or prepared to handle these situations in the same manner as if they were on-duty, which could lead to claims of illegal or excessive acts, abuse of authority, as well as unnecessary injuries to the officer or members of the public. Generally, officers should not initiate law enforcement action or make arrests while off-duty but should first consider reporting and monitoring the criminal activity. However, any officer who becomes aware of an incident or circumstance that he/she reasonably believes poses an imminent threat of serious bodily injury or death, or significant property damage or loss, may take reasonable action to minimize or eliminate the threat. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy that provides acceptable criteria for taking law enforcement action or making an arrest while off-duty and which limits unnecessary enforcement action by off-duty officers.

Arrest, Conduct, Off-Duty, PSOP-030


Body Armor PSOP-031

The use of body armor by police officers has proven to help protect the wearer from threats that may include ballistic threats, stabbing, fragmentation, or blunt impact. It is recommended that departments provide each officer with body armor to utilize as a part of officer safety related equipment. In addition, it is recommended that written policy require officers to wear body armor while on-duty in uniform or performing other law enforcement related field activities.

PSOP-031, Body Armor, ballistic, bulletproof, vest, PSOP-031


Reflective Vest PSOP-032

The use of a reflective vest by police officers has proven to help protect the wearer during traffic direction, traffic accident investigation, and in nighttime or poor visibility situations. It is recommended that departments provide each officer with reflective vest to utilize as a part of officer safety related equipment. In addition, it is recommended that written policy require officers to wear a reflective vest while engaged in the activities listed herein.

PSOP-032, Reflective Vest, traffic, safety


Death Notification PSOP-033

Death notifications are among the most difficult duties an officer can be called on to perform. Unfortunately, very few officers receive training on how to conduct these notifications and most departments do not have written policies that provide guidance. This policy provides excellent guidance based in part on proven standards developed by The International Conference of Police Chaplains. The policy is written in a way that it can be an excellent training tool for agencies to use to prepare officers to handle these sensitive calls.

PSOP-033, death, notification, compassion, difficult, message


PPE Usage Policy

Personal Protective Equipment PPEQ-001

A sample list of the types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used by public entities.

PPE, protective, PPEQ-001


Personal Protective Equipment Policy PPEQ-002

A sample policy about the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

PPE, protective, policy, PPEQ-002


PPE Use Policy PPEQ-003

A sample policy about the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

PPE, protective, policy, PPEQ-003


Property Inspections

Employee Report of Hazard PRIN-001 (PDF)

A simple sample form to allow employees to easily report hazards identified while performing other duties.

property, inspection, hazard, PRIN-001, pdf


Fire Assessment Poster PRIN-002 (PDF)

A poster identifying the five step process to doing fire safety assessments.

property, inspection, fire, assessment, poster, PRIN-002, pdf


Life Safety Evaluation Checklist PRIN-003 (PDF)

A checklist for self-evaluation of facilities for life safety code issues.

property, inspection, checklist, life safety, PRIN-003, pdf


Maine Municipal League Inspection Guide PRIN-004 (PDF)

A detailed set of best practice guidelines from the Maine Municipal League on developing self-inspection programs.

property, inspection, guideline, PRIN-004, pdf


Risk Assessment Checklist PRIN-005

A detailed sample checklist for self-inspection of municipal properties including a sample checklist for the corrective action plan.

property, inspection, checklist, PRIN-005


Sample Facilities Inspection Checklist PRIN-006

A very detailed sample checklist for self-inspection of municipal facilities from the City of Fairhope.

property, insepction, checklist, PRIN-006


Workshop Safety Checklist PRIN-007 (PDF)

A detailed sample safety inspection checklist specifically for workshops from an Australian university.

property, inspection, checklist, workshop, PRIN-007, pdf




Archery Park Guide RCAR-001

The Archery Park Guide from the Archery Trade Association (ATA) is a detailed blueprint for parks and recreation agencies looking to build an archery park in their community. From site plans and recommendations to input from those who have already built parks, this guide features a broad offering of useful information. There are even case studies and information on risk management along with a breakdown of each park’s amenities and costs. From big to small and everything in between, you’ll find what you’re looking for!

recreation, archery, range, RCAR-001, pdf


Bleacher Safety

Bleacher Safety Guidelines RCBL-001

In response to injuries and deaths from falls from bleachers, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued Guidelines for Retrofitting Bleachers. This document is a summary of the main recommendations from this publication.

bleacher, park, recreation, RCBL-001


CPSC Guideleines - Retrofitting Bleachers RCBL-002 (PDF)

In response to injuries and deaths from falls from bleachers, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued this publication detailing recommendations to bring older bleachers into compliance with current industry standards.

CPSC, bleacher, park, recreation, RCBL-002, pdf



Equestrian Event Signage Statute RCEQ-001

Section 6-5-337 of The Code of Alabama details the legally required signage that should be posted at all equestrian events to help reduce a municipality’s liability exposure

equestrian, horse, signage, recreation, RCEQ-001



Sample Emergency Plan for Sports Facility RCGN-001

A sample emergency action plan for a municipal sports facility. Includes brief guidelines for staff on dealing with heart attacks, stroke, neck and back injuries, concussion, broken bones and heat related illness.

sports, emergency, plan, heart, attack, concussion, stroke, neck, back, heat, RCGN-001



CPSC Public Playground Safety Handbook RCPG-001 (PDF)

A detailed publication from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on the design, maintenance and inspection requirements for public playgrounds.

CPSC, playground, recreation, park, RCPG-001, pdf


Skate Parks

Skateboard Park Signage Statute RCSB-001

Section 6-5-342 of The Code of Alabama details the legally required signage that should be posted at all skateboard parks to help reduce a municipality’s liability exposure

skate, signage, park, recreation, RCSB-001


TML Public Skating Facility Guidelines RCSB-002 (PDF)

A detailed publication from the Texas Municipal League on the design, maintenance and inspection requirements for public skateboard parks.

skate, park, recreation, RCSB-002, pdf


Soccer Goals

CPSC Movable Soccer Goals Guidelines RCSO-001 (PDF)

This handbook presents guidelines for the installation, use and storage of full-size or nearly full-size movable soccer goals. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission believes these guidelines can help prevent deaths and serious injuries resulting from soccer goal tipover.

CPSC, soccer, goal, recreation, RCSO-001, pdf


Swimming Pools

ADA Regulations for Swimming Pools Bulletin RCSP-001 (PDF)

On September 15, 2010, the United States Department of Justice issued revised regulations for Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Title II covers state and local government facilities and services and Title III covers public accommodations and commercial facilities. Among other things, the revised regulations include new accessibility standards for swimming pools.

ADA, swimming, pool, recreation, pdf, RCSP-001


CDC Pool Guidelines RCSP-002 (PDF)

A comprehensive publication from the Center for Disease Control relating to the safe operation of public swimming pools focusing of the cleanliness of the pool water.

CDC, swimming, pool, recreation, pdf, RCSP-002


Pool Water Testing Safety Bulletin RCSP-003 (PDF)

Article discussing the importance of correctly testing and documenting the testing of the cleanliness of municipal swimming pools.

pool, water, testing, swimming, pdf, RCSP-003, BLTN-008


TML Aquatics Risk Management RCSP-004 (PDF)

A detailed publication from the Texas Municipal League on the risk management issues arising from the operation of public swimming pools.

TML, aquatic, swimming, pool, pdf, RCSP-004


ADA 2012 Swimming Pool Access RCSP-005 (PDF)

An updated summary document from the ADA detailing the requirements for swimming pool access under the 2010 Regulations. This document was published in 2012.

ADA, disability, swimming, pool, ADAR-004, RCSP-005


Renting Out of Municipal Equipment

Attorney General Opinion 94-00134 RMEQ-001

The full 94-00134 Attorney General’s opinion letter on the conditions required to allow a municipality to rent or lease a trencher or back-hoe to a private citizen.

renting, leasing, equipment, RMEQ-001, pdf


Attorney General Opinion 97-00061 RMEQ-002

The full 97-00061 Attorney General’s opinion letter on the conditions required to allow a municipality to use or lease idle municipal equipment or employees to dig graves in a cemetery not owned by the municipality.

renting, leasing, equipment, RMEQ-002, pdf


Summary of AG Opinions on Renting RMEQ-003

This is a summary document of the Attorney General’s opinions 94-00134 and 97-00061. It summaries the requirements that need to be present to allow a municipality to rent out any of it’s equipment.

renting, leasing, equipment, RMEQ-003


Safety Incentives

Attorney General Opinion - Safety Incentive Programs SFTI-001

An often asked question is whether a municipality can actually legally have a safety incentive program at all. This document is copy of an Attorney General’s opinion regarding the legal aspects of running such programs.

attorney, opinion, incentive, SFTI-001


Safety Incentive Programs SFTI-002

Some broad guidelines and suggestions on how to set up and run a successful safety incentive program.

incentive, recognition, SFTI-002


Sample Safety Incentive Program SFTI-003

A sample safety incentive program.

incentive, recognition, SFTI-003


Safety Meetings

Safety Meeting Documentation SFTM-001

A sample form for documenting your safety meetings.

meeting, documentation, safety, SFTM-001


Safety Meeting Guidelines SFTM-002

Guidelines to help you prepare and conduct your safety meetings.

meeting, guideline, safety, SFTM-002


SCBA Air Analysis

NFPA SCBA Air Analysis Requirements SCBA-001

An article detailing the requirements under NFPA Standard 1989 for the testing and analysis of compressed air used by firefighters in the SCBA tanks.

nfpa, scba, air, analysis, fire, SCBA-001


SCBA Air Analysis Safety Bulletin SCBA-003

An article explaining the need for not only compressor maintenance but also air analysis to ensure the air pumped into firefighters SCBA tanks meets the necessary standards for breathable air.

nfpa, scba, air, analysis, fire, SCBA-002


School Related Active Shooter

Active Shooter Response - Schools SCHL-001

From 1970 until the end of 2022 there have been 2,052 school shooting incidents in America leaving 661 people dead. In 1970 20 shooting incidents were recorded. By the end of 2022, a record of over 250 shooting incidents were recorded. These shootings can happen anywhere at any time. Police departments must be properly trained, equipped and have up to date written policies to address this problem. It is recommended that your procedures manual include a written policy which establishes guidelines for police officers responding to Active Shooting in Schools.Active Shooter Response Involving Schools.

SCHL-001, PSOP-020, Active Shooter, School, Protocol, Police, Response, Hot Zone, Policy


Seat Belt Policy

Seat Belt Policy STBL-001

A sample policy outlining the requirement to use a seat belt while operating a municipal vehicle.

policy, seat, belt, vehicle, STBL-001


Sewer Backup Response

Coping with a Sewer Backup SEWR-001 (PDF)

A sample flyer for customers in your municipality on how to deal and cope with a sewer backup in their home or business.

sewer, backup, flyer, coping, homeowner, pdf, SEWR-001


Information for Homeowners and Residents SEWR-002 (PDF)

A fact sheet for homeowners and residents about things to know about sewer backups.

sewer, backup, homeowner, facts, pdf, SEWR-002


Onsite Sewer Backup Assessment SEWR-003 (PDF)

A sample report form for onsite sewer backup claim assessment and response.

sewer, backup, assessment, pdf, SEWR-003


Sewer Backup Follow Up Investigation SEWR-004 (PDF)

A sample investigation form for sewer backup claims with the goal of identifying causes and avoiding repeat claims.

sewer, backup, investigation, pdf, SEWR-004


Sewer Backup Intake Report SEWR-005 (PDF)

A sample form to be used in the office that handles calls from residents about sewer backups.

sewer, backup, call, intake, pdf, SEWR-005


Sewer Backup Legal and Liability Considerations SEWR-006 (PDF)

An article about the legal and liability considerations when handling sewer backup claims and the difference between responsibility and liability.

sewer, backup, liability, legal, pdf, SEWR-006


Sewer Backup Response Procedures SEWR-007 (PDF)

Some simple guidelines on how to respond to sewer backup calls.

sewer, backup, response, SEWR-007


Sexual Harassment

Sample Sexual Harassment Policies SXHA-001

A sample sexual harassment policy and procedures to try and ensure a harassment free workplace.

policy, harassment, sex, SXHA-001


Sexual Harassment Free Workplace SXHA-002

harassment, sex, workplace, SXHA-002


Sexual Harassment Bulletin SXHA-003 (PDF)

Sexual harassment is a form or discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This bulletin offers basic information about sexual harassment and tips on preventing this type of harassment in the workplace.

Sexual harassment, discrimination, employee practice, liability, hostile work environment, BLTN-023, SXHA-003


Social Media

Social Media Policy Article SOCM-001

In this day and age it’s fairly well established that public employees are going to access some form of social media in the course of their employment – either personally or professionally. This begs the question – “do we have a policy for that?” Perhaps the better question is “Do we need a policy for that?”

SOCM-001, Social, Media, Policy, Article


Social Media Sample Article SOCM-002

The purpose of this policy is to establish City of _____________ (city) general standards and responsibilities for the acceptable use of social media. This policy governs the use, administration, management, monitoring, and retention of social media and social media content, consistent with state, federal and city laws and regulations.

SOCM-002, Social, Media, Policy, Sample


Special Events

KLC Special Events Planning Guide SPEV-001 (PDF)

A comprehensive guidebook by the Kentucky League of Cities on planning special events in your municipality and includes numerous checklists and sample forms.

KLC, special, event, planning, SPEV-001, pdf


Tenant User Liability Insurance Program (TULIP) SPEV-002 (PDF)

A brief article explaining the need and use of Tenant User Liability Insurance Programs to help a municipality transfer the liability for a special event being held in a facility they have rented out.

TULIP, special, event, planning, SPEV-002, pdf


Parade Policy SPEV-003

Municipalities are responsible for ensuring public safety at the many parades and similar events that may take place in their communities. To ensure these events are safe and enjoyable for all involved, it is recommended that your municipality develop local ordinances, policies, and other regulations to guide the preparation and execution of these events. This document highlights some of the critical elements of preparing for and conducting a parade or similar event. Please see also "Parade Safety Guidelines" SPEV-004 

Parade, event, policy, SPEV-003, SPEV-004


Parade Safety Guidelines SPEV-004

Municipalities are responsible for ensuring public safety at the many parades and similar events that may take place in their communities. To ensure these events are safe and enjoyable for all involved, it is recommended that your municipality develop local ordinances, policies, and other regulations to guide the preparation and execution of these events. This document highlights some of the critical elements of preparing for and conducting a parade or similar event. Please see also "Parade Policy" SPEV-003 

Parade, event, policy, SPEV-003, SPEV-004


Tool and Equipment Guarding

Grinder Safety Poster TLGR-001 (PDF)

This is an OSHA poster showing the required guards that should be in place and correct gap sizes on a bench grinder.

grinder, osha, guard, TLGR-001, pdf


Zero Turn Mower ROPS TLGR-002 (PDF)

This article discusses the dangers of operating zero turn mowers without a roll over protection system (ROPS) installed.

rops, mower, grass, cutting, zero, turn, TLGR-002, pdf


Trenching and Shoring

Trenching and Excavation Tips TRNC-001 (PDF)

A safety bulletin tips sheet from the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool on Trenching and Excavation.

trenching, shoring, excavation, TRNC-001, pdf


Trip and Fall

Sidewalk Liability TRFL-001 (PDF)

An article explaining the liability exposures associated with poorly maintained sidewalks in your municipality and the steps needed to develop a sidewalk liability improvement program.

sidewalk, trip, fall, TRFL-001, pdf


Vehicle Inspections

Fleet Management for Public Entities VHIN-001

A comprehensive manual on the management of municipal fleets. It covers areas such as driver selection, training, supervision and maintenance programs for municipal vehicle fleets.

vehicle, fleet, management, VHIN-001


Transit System Inspection List VHIN-002

A sample daily pre-trip vehicle inspection checklist for transit system vehicles.

transit, inspection, vehicle, checklist, VHIN-002


Vehicle Maintenance Request VHIN-003

A sample form for requesting service on a municipal vehicle.

vehicle, maintenance, VHIN-003


Weekly Vehicle Inspection VHIN-004

A sample weekly vehicle inspection checklist.

vehicle, inspection, checklist, VHIN-004


Sample Fleet Safety Program VHIN-005

A sample Fleet Safety Program that covers use of motor vehicles, driver eligibility and qualifications, accident reporting, and vehicle maintenance and safety.

Fleet Safety, MVR, Vehicle Maintenance, Accident Reporting, Motor Vehicle Use and Driver Qualifications, VHIN-005


10 Steps to an Effective Motor Vehicle Safety Program VHIN-006 (PDF)

A guide to a more effective motor vehicle safety program. 10 steps to achieve the most successful program for your organization.

Auto, Fleet, Motor Vehicle, Driver Training, Program, BLTN-024, VHIN-006


Volunteer Fire Departments

Volunteer Fire Department Manual VOFD-001

AThis manual contains information about the formation, organization, equipment, operation and regulation of volunteer fire departments. This edition contains pertinent statutory language and includes references to selected opinions of the Attorney General regarding volunteer fire departments. An appropriate ordinance for the official recognition and regulation of a volunteer fire department, plus suggested by-laws for the internal organization of a department have been included as a guide for municipalities which have not officially recognized their volunteer fire departments.

volunteer, fire, VOFD-001


Volunteers, Inmate Use and Ride Alongs

Hold Harmless Agreement Template for Volunteers VOLN-001

A sample hold harmless agreement that can be used when a municipality uses volunteers on a regular basis to provide services for the municipality.

volunteer, hold, harmless, agreement, VOLN-001


Volunteers in Municipal Government VOLN-002

Municipalities have long relied on volunteers to provide extra services or to supplement existing services. Volunteers perform many essential governmental tasks and this detailed article addresses the proper precautions that can reduce the risks of using volunteers.

volunteer, VOLN-002


Work Release Inmate Use and Citizen Ride Alongs VOLN-003

This article briefly outlines some of the issues related to liability exposure and potential workers compensation exposure when considering the use of work release inmates or allowing citizen ride alongs in your municipality.

inmate, work, release, ride, along, VOLN-003


Workplace Violence

Securing Municipal Employees and Officials WKPL-001 (PDF)

Every organization must plan for and address workplace violence. We should have a security plan in place and train regularly. This Security Enhancement checklist addresses workplace violence in the council chambers as well as offers tips to enhance overall protection for municipal employees and officials.

Security, workplace, violence, active shooter, threat, plan, WKPL-001, BLTN-025


Workplace Violence Sample Policy WKPL-002

Sample Policy, Workplace Violence, WKPL-002


Active Shooter Protocol WKPL-003

This protocol was written to aid in preparation and response to an active shooter encounter. You are your own “first line of defense” therefore; it is your responsibility to mentally prepare for a potential encounter.

Active shooter, Intruder, Workplace, municipal, officer, WKPL-003


Work Zone Safety

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways WZSF-0011 (PDF)

Evaluating traffic and work zone safety when working near roadways is essential to help protect both employees and road users. Compliance with the DOT guidelines found in this Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways will enable you to safely design and implement safe work zones.

MUTCD, work zone, traffic, roadway, highway, street, WZSF-001, pdf


Building Safer Highway Work Zones WZSF-002 (PDF)

Highway and street construction workers are at risk of fatal and serious nonfatal injury when working in the vicinity of passing motorists, construction vehicles, and equipment. Compliance with MUTCD and OSHA regulations is a necessary first step in providing a safe work environment. However, these sources, taken together, do not provide comprehensive guidance to ensure worker safety in highway work zones. To identify gaps in standards and regulations and to compile additional prevention measures to enhance worker safety, NIOSH undertook a comprehensive review of scientific literature, fatality and injury data, and current safety research to develop this additional guidance document.

work zone, traffic, roadway, safety, highway, street, WZSF-002, pdf
